Fellowship Hall Worship Survey

Last fall, a lay member of church council suggested that we experiment with worshipping in the fellowship hall as a way of breaking out of our routines and allowing God to do something different in us. Now, we’d like to understand what this experience has been like for you.

To jog your memory, we’ve worshipped in the fellowship hall 7 times so far this year. Some of these were planned, and some were unplanned:


  1.  April 28: We had youth Sunday in the fellowship hall; this service was designed and led by our youth.
  2. May 26: This was the first week we had the two TVs installed; we talked about the way the Spirit blows through our lives, with a visual of a rippling sheet of fabric to remind us of the Spirit.
  3. June 30: We finished our “How To” series, and some of us responded by writing out in an oversized book what it means for us to be generous.
  4. July 28: This was the kick-off to Vacation Bible School, and we watched a video about our gifts to CBF global missions.
  5. August 4: We were in the fellowship hall rather unexpectedly because the sanctuary air conditioning was off; many families from VBS joined us.
  6. August 18: Children from music camp shared with us a presentation about “being the light.”
  7. August 25: We set up the fellowship hall in a circular configuration and worshipped in-the-round while led by a string quartet.


We’d appreciate it now if you could help us understand what worship in the fellowship hall has been like for you.


Fellowship Hall Worship Survey