
Music Ministry

The Music Ministry at Hampton Baptist Church involves everyone, from pre-school through adults, and incorporates a variety of musical genres.

The mission of Hampton Baptist Church is celebrated in the act of corporate worship. Music is a vital ingredient within the context of the spoken Word. Indeed, there are many times when music enhances the experience of the spoken Word. The Music Ministry provides an important dimension in communicating God’s majesty while always emphasizing the highest musical standards.

The long-standing Music Ministry of Hampton Baptist Church has always aspired to set the standard for quality church music in the Hampton Roads area.

We have always been truly blessed with many excellent musicians, both in the position of Minister of Music/Organist, as well as talented singers and instrumentalists within the congregation and community.

Whether you are a beginning or seasoned musician, there is a group for everyone to share their talents and be a part of this thriving ministry of the church.

No audition is required for choirs and childcare is provided weekly for Sanctuary Choir rehearsals. 

The Youth and Children’s Choirs rehearse and sing September-May.

The Steeple Singers and Sanctuary Choir rehearse weekly and sing monthly except the month of August.

Children’s Choirs

Melody Choir

The Melody Choir introduces children age four through first grade to the joy of singing. They sing three to five times a year during regular Sunday morning worship services and for special occasions. Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings from 6:15 pm – 6:50 pm.

Concord Choir

The Concord Choir is open to all 2nd-5th grade children. They are introduced to reading music scores and to developing good vocal skills. They sing three to five times a year during regular Sunday morning worship services and for special occasions. Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings from 6:15 pm – 6:50 pm.

Youth Choirs

Youth Choir

The Youth Choir is open to all sixth through twelfth grade young adults. This group leads music in worship every fourth Sunday. Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings from 6:15 pm – 6:50 pm in the choir room.

Youth Handbell Choir

The Youth Handbell Choir is also open to all sixth through twelfth grade young adults. This group plays three to five times a year during regular Sunday morning worship services and for special occasions. Rehearsals are on Sunday afternoon from 5:45 pm-6:00 pm.

Adult Choirs

Adult Handbell Choir

The Adult Handbell Choir is a group of intermediate/advanced hand bell ringers with music reading abilities. This ensemble frequently provides music for worship services and for special occasions. Rehearsals are each second and fourth Sunday from 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm.

Sanctuary Choir

The Sanctuary Choir is committed to music par excellence at our 10:00 am service. They lead congregational singing and sing a wide variety of church music. This group of dedicated musicians is known for its advanced and worshipful singing and has long been the staple of our corporate worship services. Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm.

The Steeple Singers

The Steeple Singers explore a more casual repertoire and provide music for worship services every third Sunday. Rehearsals are each second and fourth Sunday at 5:00 pm.

The Victory Singers

The Victory Singers are a group of adults age 60 and up who enjoy singing to God together. Rehearsal is the third Tuesday of each month at 11 AM, followed by a group lunch at a local restaurant.