
On October 15, 2023, the congregation voted to establish an endowment fund. The endowment provides a reliable source of financial support over time to
perpetually support the mission and ministries of Hampton Baptist Church.

Funds placed in the endowment are never spent; instead, the money is invested and the income is spent. Financial gifts to the endowment exist forever to generate income for congregation. By giving to the endowment, you can be part of an ongoing legacy—your gift to the endowment will support the church forever.

Supporting the Endowment

The Church encourages the giving of unrestricted gifts to the
endowment. This allows the church to use the earnings in the way that is most needed, and gives the greatest flexibility in the future.

Restricted gifts (designated for specific use) may also be accepted.

Deferred gifts are a significant way to support the endowment. Naming the endowment in a will, as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy, etc is a way you can leave a lasting legacy for the church. 

EverBless, the manager of our endowment, can offer you gift illustrations and sample forms to help you plan for the future. There is no cost to you for this service.