Deep Roots, Broad Branches,
Bearing Fruit
We’ve wrapped up the formal period of our “Deep Roots, Broad Branches, Bearing Fruit” capital campaign, but there is still time for you to pledge! While the primary goal of the campaign was debt elimination, every dollar that is raised beyond the debt retirement will go toward critical improvements to our campus and facilities.
Pray confidently. Commit boldly. Will you join us?
The Challenge of this Hour
In the past four years, we have diligently worked to retire a large portion (65%) of the $2 million debt we incurred to build the new fellowship hall and adjoining spaces. When our loan is due in October of 2025, we will owe the lender approximately $518,000 after spending roughly $60,000 each year until then servicing the loan debt. Our tentative campaign goal is $800,000 which will not only pay off the debt but will allow us the opportunity to take care of other emerging needs.
We believe that retiring the debt is key. The debt expense:
- Limits our ability to increase funding for local and international mission work.
- Makes it more difficult to respond to the maintenance/repair needs of our existing facility.
- Limits our ability to plan for and respond to the emerging needs of this church and our local community.
Advance Commitment Gathering
October 24, 2021, 11:15 AM in the Fellowship Hall
Please join us after worship on October 24, 2021 in the Fellowship Hall for a time of lunch and conversation. Our purpose is to ask each of you who are already deeply committed to our church to prayerfully consider making your three-year commitment to the Deep Roots, Broad Branches, Bearing Fruit campaign.
At the advance commitment gathering, we will have great fellowship with others in our church family, and we will discuss the vision and objectives of the campaign. We will ask you to prayerfully consider making a campaign commitment. RSVP here, or by calling the church office at (757)-723-0707.
Join Spiritually in the Campaign
Contribute to the Bearing Fruit Tapestry
Beginning 10/10
Bearing Fruit is the call of our capital campaign. The Tree Tapestry at the Wine Street entrance is our collaborative display of photos and pictures celebrating Bearing Fruit. What images convey the work of bearing fruit that God has already done and is currently doing now among us? What pictures illustrate for you the hope and dreams of what God will do in us and through us from this day forward?
Starting October 10th, please bring any 4X6 or smaller photos or any hand-drawn pictures that convey “Bearing Fruit” to display on this beautiful tapestry lovingly made by Kim Coleman.
Contribute to the Gratitude Tree
Beginning 10/10
The letter of James tells us that every good gift we have comes, ultimately, from God. The Gratitude Tree in the glass lobby is our collaborative display of the things that we are grateful for. What good gifts has God given to you? How might you respond to God’s goodness in your life, by returning to God a portion of what God has given to you?
Starting October 10th, you can contribute to our Gratitude Tree made by Kim Coleman. You’ll find leaves on which you can write a word or phrase that you are thankful for. Stick your leaf to the tree using the material provided.
Worship with Us
Sundays, 10/24-11/21, 10 AM
Join us in the sanctuary or at as we worship together. Each week we’ll consider a different aspect of the campaign:
- 10/24: The Power & Impact of Our Ministries
- 10/31: Stewardship is Grounded in Gratitude
- 11/7: Stewardship is Revealed in Prayer
- 11/14: What it Means to Be Sacrificial
- 11/21: Stewardship is Lived in Faith
Prayer Emphasis
Mon, 11/8 – Fri, 11/12, 12:00-12:30 PM
Bob & Holly Crute will lead us in a time of prayer for our church at noon in the sanctuary from 11/8-11/12. The themes will be Thanksgiving, Hope, Faith, Courage, and Commitment.
- 11/8 Prayer Guide (Thanksgiving)
- 11/9 Prayer Guide (Hope)
- 11/10 Prayer Guide (Faith)
- 11/11 Prayer Guide (Courage)
- 11/12 Prayer Guide (Commitment)
Email Devotionals
Mon, Wed, & Fri, 11/1-11/19
Andrew has prepared a series of devotions that explore more fully the themes from the previous Sunday’s worship. These will help us think more fully about what God is telling us through the capital campaign. If you’re not signed up to receive emails from the church, contact the office to get signed up and receive these devotionals.